sound design di qualità

The Importance of Quality Sound Design in Media

Sound design is a crucial aspect in elevating your video production to a new level of entertainment.

To celebrate the partnership between Ricci Design in Motion® and Amplitudo Sound Agency, we will highlight the main benefits of using quality sound design in media production.

Let’s have a look!

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un'animazione 3D di qualità richiede diversi aspetti da analizzare

3D Quality Animations: How to achieve the best results for your brand

Creating 3D quality animations is no easy feat but with the proper techniques, you can produce a stunning final product.

One of the most crucial aspects of any 3D video production is the quality of the animations.

High-quality 3D animations can make all the difference in the overall look and feel of a video production.

BUT…What differentiates a 3D animation from being good, bad, or great?

In the following article, I will highlight 4 crucial aspects of achieving effective animations for your product and brand.

They are general guidelines I consider when creating 3D animations.

Let’s have a look!

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creare uno script video 3d richiede tempo per ragionare su come comunicare al meglio il messaggio

Creative ways to make your video marketing campaign memorable: write a compelling script!

Creating a 3D video for marketing is an exciting process that can bring your ideas to life. However, it’s not just about the visuals; A good script can make all the difference in the success of your 3D video production.

Let’s take a look!

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video for a marketing campaign

Creative ways to make your video marketing campaign memorable: focus on what truly matters to communicate!

When creating stunning 3D for your video marketing campaign, striving for perfection and including many details and information is natural.

However, success lies in prioritizing what truly matters and letting go of the rest.

Let’s have a look!

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cgi rendering di orologio ricci gabriele

CGI vs Product Photography

CGI or Product Photography? In today’s digital age, businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance their online presence and stand out from the competition.

One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the use of CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) production. While product photography has been the go-to method for showcasing products, CGI offers a range of benefits that cannot be achieved through traditional photography.

Let’s take a look!

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freelance video consultant talking with client

Why to choose a freelance video consultant for your next 3d video animation

When it comes to producing a 3D video animation, you may be considering whether to hire a freelance video consultant or an agency.

While agencies may seem like the obvious choice with their larger teams and established reputation, there are several reasons why choosing a freelance video consultant may be a better option for your project.

Let’s take a look!

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caso studio per il lavoro come creative motion director

Freelance Motion Design Director – Case Study

In this video case study, I will go through the creative journey of the latest video I made for Emporio Armani, sharing my typical workflow when creating engaging motion design solutions for companies and design agencies!

RICCI - Design in Motion-sunglass-hut-shop-times-square

RICCI – Design in Motion® lands at Times Square, New York!

Gabriele Ricci, aka RICCI – Design in Motion®, has created an anamorphic video for the fantastic shop by Sunglass Hut in Times Square, New York!

Let’s have a look!

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immagine e render di 3D motion design

3D design, 10 tips for the “aspiring motion designers.”

3D rendering and content creation are currently a growing trend.

They can help communicate complex technical aspects, engage users or amplify a brand.

In this article, I want to share with you some tips and relevant aspects that can help you develop further your 3D skills and take them to the next level!

Let’s have a look!

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un fotogramma di in dante veritas

How “​In Dante Veritas ebook”​ Made me a better designer

In December 2021, visionary Russian artist Vasily Klyukin contacted me to make a video trailer to launch his ebook called “In Dante Veritas, a sins art guide.” The e-book was inspired by the exhibition of the artist, hosted at the famous Biennale di Venezia

Creating the animated story-trailer for Vasily Klyukin’s e-book “In Dante Veritas” has been such a great experience! That is why I decided to write a post to testify to it.

Let’s have a look!

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